Welcome to Fed Up! You'll be living the rest of your days inside our comfy new lorries... if you don't get fired that is!

This is Fed Up Delivery. You're a delivery worker forced to make deliveries under ever increasingly demanding conditions to keep your job. Did you not manage to meet your delivery quota for one day? FIRED! Did you not eat or drink and pass out from malnutrition... on the job?! GONE! Maybe you even *gasp* threw your used trash onto our customers' properties? You'll  never work in this town again!

You can litter, you can lose all the packages in the world... and run them over but we draw the line at disrespecting our customers! 

In Fed Up you drive about a city delivering however many packages are asked of you before your shift is over. To deliver a package, you grab it from your dashboard with your mouse and throw it out the window. Your aim isn't perfect, doing this from a moving vehicle and all but if not at first, try and try again! If you run out of packages, more will descend from above.

During each shift, your Glontch bar will deteriorate. At the top right is a little status message to let you know when you need to go for a Glontch and chomp on some tasty snacks. If the bar empties then you'll pass out. Drive through a shop to fill up and be on your way.

While driving about, your lorry has a little arrow compass pointing you towards the nearest delivery zone unless you need to start looking for a shop in which case it'll turn green and point you towards the nearest shop until you've visited one.

You'll also accumulate trash from shops and generally as you go and if you let it build up, it'll further obscure your view in addition to the packages already on your dashboard. To deal with it, try to throw it out the widow without it landing on a delivery zone in which case, it'll become unavailable and add to your Oopsie counter. Too many mistakes and your shift will end early.

So to sum it up, you drive about and have to balance managing your time with eating and keeping your view clear without getting too careless! 

There are 5 playable shifts, starting off easy with only a generous timer to worry about, steadily increasing to the game throwing everything at you and being utter madness at shift 5.

I really hope this half as fun to play as it was making it, it's  by far the most enjoyment I've had making a game. For the first time, I really had fun trying out my own game and the game made me laugh a few times playing it and not because things on the dev side went wrong! I started late and at this point I've not slept in over 60 hours (on a big insomnia phase recently) but I've really just been chilling. I think I'm maybe approaching some level of competency!

I had fun purposely going simpler on the art for a less is more approach, the 3D objects were like little relaxing puzzles, problems got figured out without searching and I worked on my audio for an hour and it's my best stuff yet. I even just did day to day life stuff and took breaks and somehow it stayed chill! I guess it's back to pursuing coding knowledge now though I'm tempted to keep working on it a bit more.

Let me know what you think!

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